Hidden Gold Homestead is home to all types of livestock. They serve to supply the restaurant and produce store under our ‘farm to table’ model, as well as help to maintain and improve the health of our soil. Healthy soil means healthy plants, which in turn means better quality produce. Our animals are free to roam as much as possible, fed a natural, varied diet and treated with compassion and respect by our farmers. We welcome you to watch our animals, but please do not touch.

We have a couple of different bread of cows here at the homestead. We have black and white banded cows and "hairy co's' or hairy cows.

We have a few variety of chickens at the homestead that are free to roam around the fields. They also provide us with fresh free range eggs to use in our restaurant.

We LOVE our horses here at Hidden Gold. When you come to visit you will see we have quite a few roaming around. Mostly they are used for pleasure riding but occasionally they put on their work boots and round up some cows!